We provide training and consultation to enable families, providers, religious leaders, agencies and systems of care to use the Family Acceptance Project’s® (FAP) family support strategies, resources and Family Support Model – which are based on our extensive research and intervention work – with racially, culturally and religiously diverse families, foster families and caregivers to decrease their LGBTQ children’s risk and to promote their well-being.
Our research is participatory and is grounded in the lived experiences of diverse LGBTQ children youth and families and our work is carried out in the context of the family’s culture and faith traditions.
Since 2005, we have provided education and training to decrease rejection and increase family support for LGBTQ children and youth for more than 125,000 families, providers and religious leaders in all of the U.S. states and several countries. To date, we have developed 8 trainings to address the needs of diverse groups and our trainings are provided in a range of formats.
Our trainings are tailored to meet family, provider, community and institutional needs, and may include such topics as:
- Engaging Families to Prevent Suicide & Homelessness for LGBTQ Youth
- Helping Families, Foster Families & Caregivers to Support LGBTQ Children & Youth
- Engaging Families as Allies to Promote School Safety, Support & Wellness for LGBTQ Students
- Implementing the integrated TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and FAP Family Support model
- Helping Clergy & Congregations to Provide Support for LGBTQ Youth & Families
We provide the only training on the Family Acceptance Project’s® Family Support Model that was developed and implemented by the FAP model developers and was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
We customize training for agencies, institutions, congregations and communities.
For information, contact us by email at: fap@sfsu.edu

FAP has provided education and training to decrease rejection and increase family support for LGBTQ children and youth for more than 125,000 families, providers and religious leaders in all of the states and several countries.